Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hi and a very warm welcome to my blog. I'm Dalton, a 23 year old student from the little island called Singapore. To help you better understand why I've started this blog let me share with you a little more about myself. Firstly, I'm a person who really enjoys music. I love both listening and trying to produce music.However, please do not over estimate me for I'm no expert. It is just something that I love doing. My love for music has resulted in the birth of my audiophile journey. If you're not sure what that is, it basically to create the perfect audio experience. Secondly, another hobby with I really enjoy doing during my free time would be photography. The ability to capture a moment in time is simply amazing. I've been picking up little bits of knowledge and skill over time so I guess i should be able to produce some pretty decent shots. Lastly, the final piece to the puzzle. I love travelling. Unlike the previous two, I won't really consider this a hobby as it isn't something I do really often. I would really love to travel and explore the world. Seeing all the endless wonders that the world has to offer. Hope some day I'll be able to achieve that.

So basically this blog was created with the intent of sharing my travel experience both within and out of Singapore. However, with a little twist. Rather than just sharing my experience through pictures and words, I would like to incorporate sound. By accompanying short audio clips, recorded at the scene, hopefully this brings you closer to the moment as you enjoy the photos. Well I guess this explains the site url. Combining the words travel and frequency to obtain the word travelfreq.

As this idea is still in its early stages I won't be doing any recordings anytime soon. But do stay tuned for such up coming works. Meanwhile I would like to share with you some of my gears and some of my past photography works in the next few posts. Till then take care.

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